Thank You First Church

31 August 2017

August 15, 2017

Dear Friends: Please convey my thanks to the members of your congregation for supporting the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee with the special congregational collection give of $324.00 which we received on August 8, 2017.

Together, with more than 50 grassroots partners in 20 countries and in the United States, you and UUSC are building a world free from oppression. From our work with women and children held in U.S. detention centers, to providing Syrian refugees humanitarian aid and legal assistance, to mobilizing against climate change, we are working to ensure that human rights are a reality for everyone. Our distinct approach sets us apart and makes us a forceful catalyst for transformation, creating real and lasting change for vulnerable populations across the globe. Your generosity and support are critical to our success.

UUSC is uniquely positioned to make a difference in these times of challenge and opportunity and I am thrilled to have the privilege to lead this extraordinary organization at this moment in history. Through our work in the months ahead, we will prove that love, community and empathy are powerful motivators and that the values that unite us are strong enough to confront the challenges we face.

Thank you for your contribution and for standing with UUSX. Your faith and commitment are an inspiration to us all.

With much appreciation, Hon. Thomas H. Andrews President and CEO