Please join us for Sunday Service, September 1st at 10 am
"Into the Mystic"
Rev. Monica Dobbins
Service will be live-streamed on Zoom (the zoom link is on the front page of the website)
Service will be followed by Coffee Hour in Eliot Hall
Order of Service
- Prelude: “Piano Piece in B minor”- Homage to Erik Satie by David Owens
- Introit: #188, "Come, Come, Whoever You Are" – words adapted from Rumi (1207-1273); music by Rev. Lynn Ungar (American, b. 1963); led by David Owens
- Welcome & Announcements – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Chalice Lighting – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Opening Hymn: #20, "Be Thou My Vision" – traditional Irish melody; versed by Eleanor H. Hull (English, 1860-1935), Mary E. Byrne (Irish, 1880-1931)
- Meditation – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Meditation Response: "Into the Mystic", words and music by Van Morrison (Irish b.1945); performed by Jim Thornburg and Tom Goodwin
- Song of Gratitude: #1010, "We Give Thanks" – words & music by Wendy Luella Perkins (Canadian, b. 1966); led by Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Offertory – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Doxology
- From all that dwell below the skies
- Let hymns of faith and hope arise
- May peace, good will on earth be sung
- Through every land by every tongue
- Amen
- Sermon: "Into the Mystic" – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Closing Hymn: #21 “For The Beauty Of The Earth” – words by Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (English, 1835-1917); music by Conrad Kocher (German, 1786-1872)
- Benediction – Rev. Monica Dobbins
- Postlude: “To a Hummingbird” (excerpt) Op. 7, No. 2 by Edward MacDowell (American, 1860-1908); David Owens-piano