Your donations to First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake make it possible for us to program for our congregation.
You can donate through our online giving page for a one-time gift or login in as a returning member to track your donation or pledge payment history, or set up weekly or monthly payments.
January 26, 2025, is the Pledge Drive Kickoff. Pledging now helps us create the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
First, you can pledge for the 2025-2026 church year by clicking here. (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026).
Second, make a pledge payment for your 2025-2026 pledge, you can hit the Click Here to Donate or click the donate button above (after your pledge card has been turned into the office, or you have filled out the online pledge card, that information will be entered into Breeze. If you are new to Breeze contact Stefanie). If you have questions or need assistance email Stefanie at
Checks can be sent to the church office at 569 South 1300 East, SLC UT 84102
If you would like to donate to the UUA service committee you can do that on their website:
Please also consider donating to our Endowment Fund to sustain and build our long-term stewardship.
If you have stocks you wish to donate either as a pledge donation or as an Endowment Fund donation, you can do that with our account.
Below are links to helpful instructions and videos.