July 28th Summer Forum Series

25 July 2024


Please join us for our Summer Forum Series of Guest Speakers

Sunday 7/28/2024 10am "The Implications of Psychedelics for the Alleviation of Suffering, the Bettering of the Well, and the Enrichment of Religion"


Bob Jesse has been instrumental in restarting and re-legitimizing mainstream interest in psychedelics. He brought Dr. Roland Griffiths into the research and sought FDA approvals, and he assisted a key religious liberty case involving an entheogen, ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court favorably, 8-0. He has extensive knowledge of the effects of psychedelics on persons with illness (physical and psychological) and on normal healthy persons. Prior to this, he was an engineer with Oracle. He left the company at a young age in order to establish the Council on Spiritual Practices (csp.org), the vehicle that informed and supported his work in the psychedelic field.

Coffee Hour: In person in Eliot Hall following the presentation

Childcare available during the presentation outside on the playground - Check in required

Social Justice: Crossroads Food Collection

For the month of July, Crossroads Urban Center is having the annual Golden Celery Competition. Let's see if First Unitarian can be the congregation that donates the most food per-person for the month and get to keep the coveted Golden Celery Trophy for the year. Drop your donations off Sundays during Summer Forum Coffee Hour (bins will be in Eliot Hall or EH: Hallway).

Top Donation needs for this year's Food DrivePeanut butter, Cereal, Canned fruit/fruit cups, Individual snacks (granola bars,etc.), Ramen, Crackers, Canned Tomatoes/tomatoproduct, and Canned soup.