September 8th Sermon "In-Gathering" by Rev. J Sylvan

07 September 2024


Please join us for Sunday Service, September 8th at 9am and 11am
Intergenerational Service
Rev. J Sylvan
Meet on the Plaza a couple of minutes prior to the start of service, if you are able, and we'll go into the Chapel together.
Service will be live-streamed on Zoom (the zoom link is on the front page of the website)
9am Service will be followed by Coffee Hour in Eliot Hall, the 11am Service will be followed by a Potluck Picnic at the new seating area of the playground. Please bring a labeled dish to share, drinks will be provided. 

Order of Service

  • Processional: “Enter, Rejoice, and Come In” by Louise Ruspini; led by Amanda Esko
  • Introit: #188, “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” – words adapted from Rumi (1207-1273); music by Rev. Lynn Ungar (American, b. 1963); led by Rev. J Sylvan
  • Welcome & Announcements – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Chalice Lighting – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Opening Hymn: #1024, “When the Spirit Says Do” – African-American spiritual, civil rights period; arr. Mark Freundt (American, b. 1966); David Owens, piano
  • Lay Minister: Brandon Checketts
  • Interlude - “Interlude in C Major” ( no credit ) Matthew Esko and David Owens - 4 hand piano
  • Song of Gratitude: #1010, “We Give Thanks” – words & music by Wendy Luella Perkins (Canadian, b. 1966); led by Rev. J Sylvan
  • Offertory – Rev. J Sylvan
  • Doxology
    • From all that dwell below the skies
    • Let hymns of faith and hope arise
    • May peace, good will on earth be sung
    • Through every land by every tongue
    • Amen
  • Sermon: “In-Gathering 2024” – Rev. J Sylvan
  • Ritual: Faith Statement Time Capsule 
  • Closing Hymn: #118, “This Little Light of Mine” – words & music: African American spiritual (c. 1750-1875); David Owens, piano
  • Benediction – Rev. J Sylvan
  • Recessional: “Exit, Rejoice & Go Out” – led by Amanda Esko