October 20th Sermon "Good Vibes Only" by Rev. Monica Dobbins

18 October 2024


Please join us for Sunday Service, October 20th at 9am and 11am
"Good Vibes Only"
Rev. Monica Dobbins
Service will be live-streamed on Zoom (the zoom link is on the front page of the website)
Coffee Hour will follow each service

Order of Service

  • Ringing of the Bell
  • Choral Prelude: “Autumn Splendor” by Richard Kountz (American, 1896-1950); performed by the Chancel Choir; David Owens, piano/conducting
  • Introit: #188, “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” – words adapted from Rumi (1207-1273); music by Rev. Lynn Ungar (American, b. 1963); led by David Owens
  • Welcome & Announcements – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Chalice Lighting – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Opening Hymn: #34, “Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire” – words by Hal Hopson (American, b. 1933); music: traditional English melody; David Owens, Estey pipe organ
  • Lay Minister: Melinda Pettingill-Patterson
  • Choral Interlude: “Healing River” – music by Fred Hellerman (American, b. 1927-2016); arr. Sheena Phillips (English, b. 1958); words by Fran Minkoff (American, 1915-2002); performed by the Chancel Choir; Nikki Blackburn-Fuller, obligato; David Owens conducting
  • Meditation – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Choral Anthem: “We Are…” – words and music by Ysaye M. Barnwell (American, b. 1946); performed by the Chancel Choir; Connie Wilkerson, soloist; David Owens conducting
  • Song of Gratitude: #1010, “We Give Thanks” – words & music by Wendy Luella Perkins (Canadian, b. 1966); led by Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Offertory – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Doxology
    • From all that dwell below the skies
    • Let hymns of faith and hope arise
    • May peace, good will on earth be sung
    • Through every land by every tongue
    • Amen
  • Sermon: “Good Vibes Only” – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Closing Hymn: #311, “Let It Be a Dance” – words & music by Ric Masten (American, 1929-2008); David Owens, piano
  • Benediction – Rev. Monica Dobbins
  • Postlude: “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” – a piano fantasy based on Chopin’s Prelude No. 3 in G major, Op. 28 – by Frédéric Chopin, Richard Rodgers; arr. David Owens, piano