Religious Education News (10/10/2016)

04 October 2016

Religious Education News - Julie Miller, Director of Religious Education

Becoming a Volunteer for Religious Education

Why Should I Volunteer?

Volunteers are an essential part of Religious Education (RE) at First Unitarian Church. As a volunteer, you help us create a community that spans generations. Your presence as either a classroom teacher or teacher’s assistant enables the lead teacher to work more effectively with children and youth on a one-on-one basis, which then enhances the classroom as a safe and flexible environment. In short, our programs won’t run without you!

What Would I Do as a Volunteer?

Most volunteers assist in teaching our children and youth. At times, we may just ask for help on special events or with a social justice service project.

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

We appreciate many helping hands, but we ask that you be present at First Unitarian Church for six months prior to working in a classroom so that you have time to ‘feel right at home’ before taking on a classroom assignment. If you choose to teach, you will be asked to complete a simple background check that is paid for at our expense.


Upcoming Special Family Event!

No doubt about it, Halloween is a favorite day of the year. This year, First Church’s annual family Halloween Party features food, fun and song for everyone. Set for Tuesday, October 25 from 6 to 7:30pm, we’ll gather in Eliot Hall at the Church for the festivities. A family donation of $5 to $10 is suggested.

Plan to chow down on pizza and soft drinks, decorate cookies and pumpkins, enjoy a storyteller, play games, whack a piñata, get your face painted and blow huge glow bubbles on our front patio. Choir Director David Owens conducts a sing-along too, so bring your voice!

As 7pm approaches, we’ll form a casual parade of costumed kids and head a few stops north to Friendship Manor to entertain our friends and residents in the Manor’s Community Room. Looking forward to seeing you, your kids and, of course, those seriously scary costumes!