Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation Photo by Rick Langer


Within the Unitarian community, Mindfulness Meditation is offered to support our individual spiritual quest by developing an individual practice of Mindfulness Meditation. Sunday mornings, we offer meditation guidance for calming our minds and opening our hearts to practice mindfulness in our daily lives. All are welcome!


Our UU Mindfulness Meditation meets every Sunday, on Zoom and in the UU Parlor at 10:05 am. We offer a dharma teaching, guided meditation, inquiry/discussions and practice guidelines. Sunday check in begins on Zoom at 9:50am. 

Summer Sundays: 8:45am – Zoom and in person in the Parlor.

The Parlor is located on the second floor up the west stairway in Eliot Hall. All are welcome, the curious, the experienced and the in-between. Currently, we are guided by the Tibetan teacher, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and his book, The Joy of Living.

Monthly Activities:

  • Red Butte Garden Sue Click Walk/Meditation: 9am. 1stTuesday of the month, April thru October
  • Jordan River Walk/Meditation: other Tuesdays, Arrowhead Park, 4800 S. 550 W, south side
  • “What the Buddha Taught” via zoom 6:30pm, 3rdThursday of each month.

Email  for zoom links and notice of activities

Recordings Available on YouTube:

Our guiding teacher, Shirley Ray, has studied/practiced the Dharma since 1976 with teachers in all traditions. She began the UU Mindfulness Meditation at the Unitarian Church in 2014. With Colleen Bliss, Rick Langer, and Gina Kiechel, they guide the Sunday meditation based on their practice and favorite teachers.

In keeping with the Unitarian tradition, we bring our search for meaning from all spiritual traditions. Learn more at: Buddhism and Unitarian Universalists

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote Eight Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. The 4th principle states: “We promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” The practice of mindfulness meditation is a self-reliant path to wisdom, happiness, peace, and compassion.
