The Search Committee and Board of Trustees are very pleased to announce that the congregation has voted to approve our new Settled Senior Minister, Rev. J Sylvan, with overwhelming support at 97%.
We welcome J and their family to First Unitarian Church and the Salt Lake community! J will be here in August and will give the sermon at ingathering on September 10th.
Excerpts from Rev. J Sylvan's Ministerial Record that addresses their call to ministry, approach to many aspects of ministry, and their theology is now posted on the Search tab of our website, Click Here.
You can visit Rev. J's website by Clicking Here, where you can watch prior sermons and learn more about Rev. J.
Click Here for the link to the Search Committee introduction of Rev. J from the April 16th service at the 3:30 minute mark and you can view Rev. J's sermon given on April 23rd Here
Important: Most Senior Ministers will only accept a call as a settled minister if 90-95% of the congregation approvestheir candidacy as the new senior minister (even though Bylaws allow as low as 75% approval). So your vote and understanding the voting process is very important.
For voting information and rules Click Here.