2016-2017 Women’s Sacred Circle

04 October 2016

The Women’s Sacred Circle was set up around 5 years ago. There are several activities we enjoy throughout the year. We meet in the Haven at First Unitarian Church on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to explore our spiritual journeys. We also meet each month on the full moon at members’ homes. This year we will be studying herbs and plants; their healing properties, culinary aspects, or how to create gardens of delight. In addition, twice a year we schedule retreats to Southern Utah to recreate our souls.

As a further extension of our activities, we create feminine hygiene bags for the agencies helping women in need. With the donations from several members and friends, we collect the needed items and distribute them. Past recipients have been: The Road Home, Christmas Box House, and The Inn Between. Currently, we are accepting donations to help with a United Way project for Kearns High School teens.

At this year’s planning meeting in September, we decided the direction our group will take. Using as our theme ‘HerStory’, we will focus on women’s stories that inform us about the Divine Feminine; ourselves; and the world. For example, we will take stories from myths, legends, and historical female figures from various cultures; and learn how to live our core values, and become change agents of our time.
For more information feel free to contact us at